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1. Where is district SHiNE Dance Fitness™ located?

Our classes are held at: Studio 2 at Balance Gym (Foggy Bottom) inside the Fairmont Hotel 2401 M ST NW, Washington, DC 20037

You do not need to be a member of Balance Gym to participate!



  1. Enter through the Fairmont Hotel’s main entrance on 24th Street NW,

  2. Walk down the set of stairs to the right almost as soon as you walk in,

  3. Enter the open, gray door to your left and you will be inside Balance Gym,

  4. The front desk will direct you to Studio 2, which is down the stairs, to the left & at the end of the hall.


  1. Enter through the Fairmont Hotel’s main entrance on 24th Street NW,

  2. Make a right and go to the lobby elevators,

  3. Press “M”, exit the elevator and you will see stairs to walk down into Balance Gym,

  4. The front desk will direct you to Studio 2, which is down the stairs, to the left & at the end of the hall.

2. Is district SHiNE Dance Fitness™ only for women?

district SHiNE Dance Fitness™ is for all adults--if you love to dance, play, and shine, you belong here with us!

3. What type of dance is district SHiNE Dance Fitness™ ?

SHiNE Dance Fitness™ brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all-abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet, and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Each class includes the perfect balance of high cardio and toning to ensure you receive a full-body workout with real results. SHiNE is a mood-lifting experience that leaves you feeling capable, confident, and connected to a supportive community.

4. What level are the classes?

SHiNE Dance Fitness™ classes are considered "ALL LEVELS" and instructors are trained to make the class accessible and fun for dancers with various amounts of experience -we’ll teach you and we can't wait to dance with you!

5. What do I wear?!

Wear anything you feel comfortable and confident dancing in! For most, that means yoga pants, t-shirt/tank top, and athletic shoes. We love colors (esp. black and pink), animal print, neon, and if you like it, we LOVE it!

6. Is everyone gonna know the routine except me?

We keep the same playlist for a month, so while some dancers may know a few more songs than a beginner, you won't be alone and our instructors are trained to cue throughout the songs!

7. How do I sign up for classes?

If you're ready to slay, play, and shine, check out our class schedule, click the class you want to sign up for, then click enroll! You can choose the pass or plan that works best for your budget--enrollment in advance is recommended.

8. How do the memberships work?

If you wanna SHiNE with us on the regular, even just once a week - we have a few great membership options based on your budget and commitment. Check 'em out here!

9. What should I expect?

  • high-energy dance routines that'll make you sweat, smile and SHINE
  • supportive and inclusive community of fellow dance enthusiasts
  • current and diverse range of music to keep your toes tapping
  • instructors who are as enthusiastic about dance as you are
  • fun—so be ready to laugh, enjoy, and dance like nobody's watching!