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About the Instructor

Hi Everyone! I’m Ivy and so happy to be your SHiNE Dance Fitness instructor in Washington, DC. I found SHiNE during the height of the pandemic and had so much fun so I decided to get certified and bring it to DC!

I’m an attorney for my full-time job and while teaching group fitness is my side hustle, it’s when I have the most fun throughout the week and I’m dedicated to making sure we all have a great time!

Everyone at every level is welcome (I am not a professional dancer), so please come and join us on the dance floor on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm and Saturdays at 11:30am at Balance Gym Foggy Bottom in Studio 2. Feel free to email me if you have any questions at hello@districtshine.com.

See you on the dance floor soon!

Kind regards,
